Grecian Soap.

Grecian Soap.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Business Opportunity.

Business Opportunity.

Grecian Soap Factory.
Become A Distributor Today!
This  opportunity, first time offered.
The  Soap is Handmade Natural Goats Milk Soap. The process we making the soaps by hand without using any machinery. Selected the best material. From Tarpon Springs Fl.
Please take a look at our distributors profit potential   below.
Note: The potential profit chart below is for
( ILLUSTRATION )  purposes only.
100 Account  foul set up for $ 40.000.
100 accounts.
Services one day per week 25 accounts.
If sold  1 soap per day 100 accounts is =3000 soap sold per month on  one day a week 4 times a month.
3000 soap sold  per month x 0.60 = $ 1800 in monthly gross income selling ONLY 1 Soap per DAY.
100 accounts.
Services one day per week 25 accounts.
If sold  2 soap per day 100 accounts is =6000 soap sold per month on  one day a week 4 times a month.
6000  soap sold  per month x 0.60 = $ 3600  in monthly gross income selling ONLY 2 Soap per DAY.

100 Accounts sold 1 daily your profit $1800  a month.
100 Accounts sold 2 daily your profit $3600  a month.
100 Accounts sold 3 daily your profit $5400  a month.
If you selling only 2 soap a day you make your investment back at 11 months. If you selling 3 soap a day you make your investment back at 7,1/2 months.
HUGE Return on Investment!

MSRP $   $ 3.95
$ 2.50 sold  to retailer. 
$ 1.90 your cost per soap with delivery.
$ 0.60 your  profit per soap.

This is a "potential  profit " chart. " NOT " a guarantee of income chart. Any amount of income earned distributing  Grecian Soap is based solely upon how much effort is set forth by " THE DISTRIBUTOR ." Once you are in a position to commit full-time to your Route, you can rise up to the $5000 per month income level. That and much more is also possible. Being your own boss means you get to choose your salary. The amount of time and resources you commit to your Route will determine how much money you make.

The Minimum  Purchase  Required  25 Account.  
Only  $12.500
25 Account  Set - Up.
25 Canter  top  displays.
1200 Soap for set-up the displays.
300 soap extra for the first visit
500 Business cards ( with your  contact  information.)

After you buy the 100 displays we make Distributors Agreement  for protected AREA. ( 1 Distributor per 1 million population.)

Statewide Master Distributors  Available.